Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Donating To Charities... what I've decided to do is put my title as Arbonne Independent Consultant to good use!!!

I've set up a website (Check it out here) and every month I'm going to donate 20% of all website sale proceeds to a specific charity that will be posted on the site.

Please stop by to shop and support a good cause!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Arbonne Products

This post is for all those skin care and makeup lovers!!!

I recently came across a company called Arbonne. I thought "OK, another makeup and nice-smelling lotion company" -- and then I attended an Arbonne Party. They really weren't kidding when they said they were different. Check it out here.

First off, I guess I don't know much about skincare products to begin with (yet) -- but all those HUGE companies that use mineral oil are actually coating us (and our children) with a by-product of the oil we use in our cars!!!! It doesn't let the bad stuff out and it doesn't let the good stuff coats us like petroleum and then we wonder why we break out!!! YUCK!!!!

Second, who the heck knew that PLASTIC was what made waterproof mascara waterproof??!! I sure wouldn't have been putting that on my eyes if I would have known!!!

Third, who would have thought a skincare company would just let people sign up for $29 (like a Costco or Sam's Club membership) and let them receive 35% off all products for a year -- and then renew their membership for only $15 the following year??

This party was SO CRAZY!!! This stuff is formulated in Switzerland, but made in the US and everything is Dermatologist tested and Hypoallergenic. They don't use any animal byproducts and I think most of their products are even Certified Vegan. So I ordered a few things -- still a bit skeptical....let me just tell you this company is going to be HUGE.

On top of the fact that they have a broader product line, their products are FAR SUPERIOR than other's I've tried (and I think I've tried them all). One use of the sea salt scrub and I felt relaxed and my skin was nice and soft and smooth....and the body butter actually STAYS on your skin...not on your clothes and everything else you touch.

Seriously...for those of you that are serious about skincare, I really recommend checking it out. The Arbonne products are really top of the line and they even offer a 45 day money back guarantee if you don't like a product. And if you get invited to an Arbonne Party -- GO!!!